Monthly Archives: December 2014

12 Days of Evie! (11 of 12 – Cuteness!)


At this point I’m pretty much caught up on all of the big events that have taken place in the last couple months, so I’ll take this opportunity to give a photo dump of adorable Evie pics and videos that haven’t showed up in a post yet.  Here are a couple videos:

And here are the pictures:

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12 Days of Evie! (8 of 12 – Christmas I)


This year we’ll be going to San Diego for Christmas, which means that Evie gets to have multiple Christmases.  And that means lots of stuff!  And lots of stuff means she has to learn how to open presents.  She needed a bit of help with the first one:

But it wasn’t long before she was tearing into things like a pro:

She also took advantage of the opportunity to work on her walking… and work, and work, and work:

All in all, she had a nice time.  She got lots of good presents, enjoyed a good Christmas ham, and got to hang out with family:

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No wonder she was so tuckered out in the end:

Opening presents is hard work!

Opening presents is hard work!


12 Days of Evie! (6 of 12 – Art)


Earlier this month, Evie once again flexed her cultured muscle by visiting the Tyrell Skyspace – an art installation on campus.  She thought it was important to inspect every last inch of the craftsmanship:

Norie used the outing as an opportunity to do some artsy work of her own, featuring, of course, Miss P:

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After the visit, we retired to the lawn so that Evie could share her thoughts on the Skyspace as a comment on the post-modern condition over a cup of coffee (don’t worry – I drank it while she just chewed on the empty cup).


12 Days of Evie! (5 of 12 – The Park)


We recently took Evie to a park that she’d never visited before.  She’s not really old enough to discern subtle differences, so she quickly just ended up with her old mainstays – the swing and the slide.  Ever the trend setter, though, Evie decided that slides were best for going up rather than down:

It was a nice day, and there was a lot of sunshine, so Norie used her new camera to take her usual artsy black and whites:

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12 Days of Evie (4 of 12 – The Menil)


We visited the Menil a few weeks back.  They don’t allow recording or photos in the museum itself, so I wasn’t able to capture her thoughts on Expressionistic paintings of post WWII Europe.  I was, though, able to record this riveting conversation that we had about the weather:

She also made known her opinion of grass, which remains strikingly consistent:

In between these expressions of her opinion, she made some time for general adorableness as well:

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12 Days of Evie! (3 of 12 – Frigid Outing)


In the last month and a half we’ve taken Evie out to several parks so that she can share her adorableness with the rest of the world.  In the first of these ventures, Houston was in the midst of a cold spell.  Evie, nonetheless, had a blast.

We learned that she is a huge fan of the slide:

And remains a fan of the swing:

And, as always, enjoys doing things with her dad: