Monthly Archives: May 2014



This weekend Evie experienced her first Comic Convention: Houston’s Comicpalooza!  Things got off to a rocky start when the doors actually opened at noon rather than ten as the program said.  The first day was therefore a bit rough, but today Evie and I had a good time, especially when we got to meet Billy Dee Williams:

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In other news, we made it through another graduation – Evie’s first.


Now we head into the summer, which we hope will be quiet, though there are students living here over the summer.  Evie, meanwhile, is getting bigger and more coordinated by the day.

She’s learning how to dance:

Her legs are finally long enough to bounce:

Toys don’t just immediately go into the mouth anymore, though they generally end up there eventually:

And she’s getting better and better at eating the solid foods/getting them all over herself:

Of course, the laughing is still as strong as ever:

And she remains, as always, an adorable social butterfly:

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Mother’s Day!


It was Norie’s first Mother’s Day as a mother.  We spent the day in – I’m not a big fan of fighting crowds to have an obligatory meal that won’t even be as good as it would be any other weekend.  Instead, I took Evie grocery shopping so Norie could do her own thing for a while, then I cooked dinner.  It was a nice day and Evie was, as always, a delight.  Here are a couple mother/daughter pictures in honor of the day:

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We’ve also had some other big days in the meantime.  Our anniversary was on the 1st and we celebrated with our traditional baseball game.  We’ve added a new tradition of getting Evie an outfit from the gift store:


The ‘Stros actually won this time!

Then, there was my birthday on the 10th.  Norie got me an antique typewriter, and Evie and Chekhov offered their combined cuteness:


Everywhere I look there’s adorable.

On the Evie front, there have also been some milestones.  The biggest being that she has finally mastered the art of rolling over:

Then there’s the standing up:

Sitting up still isn’t 100%, but it’s coming along:

And, of course, riding grandma’s knee is going splendidly:

Most importantly, the cuteness remains off the charts:

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