Monthly Archives: May 2015

New Friends!


I’m very close to full-time summer mode.  Evie gets bored easily and doesn’t like to spend a huge amount of time couped up at home, so I’ve been trying to line up as many activities as possible to keep her occupied.  Tuesdays we go to the Barnes & Noble story time.  I signed her up for Little Gym on Wednesdays.  Thursday is comic book store/bakery day.  Once the weather clears up I’ll try to take her to the pool on Mondays and Fridays.  Hopefully that will wear the rambunctious one out!

The best part of getting her out so much is that she’s starting to make some friends.  A couple weeks ago she had a blast with a little girl she met at the bakery.  Then yesterday she had a grand time with a little boy her age at Barnes & Noble.  For an only child she does a pretty good job around kids, except for the one a few days ago that tackled her into a pillar:

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Evie also gets out for walks around campus.  She’s really getting to know the place and feel comfortable.  She discovered the fountain:

Is a big fan of the art on the buildings – especially the noses:

And has taken to just sitting where ever she decides is most comfortable:

Seriously, anywhere:

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She’s even taken to doing some serious stair training:

Of course, she still manages to have some fun at home.  Especially when she’s pursuing the arts… in a ‘Stros cap:


And then, of course, there’s just her general absurdity:

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