Monthly Archives: February 2015

Teeth Brushing!


Evie’s chewed on a faux toothbrush for months, but we went ahead and got a real toddler brush and toothpaste.  She seemed only moderately impressed with the whole thing:

In the meantime, we’ve been dealing with some crappy weather.  Evie, though is not to be deterred – she just bundles up and keeps on truckin’:

She’s also been undergoing a shift in her napping schedule.  Sometimes she still sleeps in the morning, but more and more often she’s been skipping the morning nap and crashing in the afternoon.  Regardless of when she sleeps, she’s always a joy when she wakes up:

She’s also still a goofball:

And, well, I can’t think of a lead in to this one:



We continue to encounter camera problems on a variety of levels, so this post will be almost all videos, with the one exception being this fussy shot of the most ridiculous bout of morning hair in the history of morning hair:

IMAG0416Other than that, there isn’t a huge amount of news.  Evie is a walking fool – we’ve been having such great weather that we take her on a daily walk around campus.  She’d been known to walk all the way from our place to the library – and not in anything even resembling a straight line.  She’s mastered the ramp at Sid:

Likes to let the world know her thoughts:

And even contributes to maintaining the pathways:

Even with all of that exercise, though, she still has plenty of energy at home to be a total goof ball: