Monthly Archives: August 2013

Quick Update


There hasn’t really been much to report on the Evie front, which is a good thing.  We’re now in week 29, which means she’s a butternut squash, and in two days will be a cabbage.

The only real news is that the students are starting to arrive in the building.  We met the new students on Sunday and everyone will be back this weekend.  The gifts have begun – one of tonight’s freshmen scavenger hunt objectives was to give Evie a present, so she made out pretty well:

Yes, that's a pacifier that will make Evie look like she has vampire teeth.

Yes, that’s a pacifier that will make Evie look like she has vampire teeth.

Other than that, we’re just plugging along.

At next year's O-Week there'll be a third party.

At next year’s O-Week there’ll be a third party.

A Surprise at Our Door!


Today Norie and I got back from the movies (saw The Conjuring – don’t waste your money) to find a gift bag hanging on our door from one of our favorite former students: Annie Kuntz!  Inside were changing mats, baby bibs, and shoulder bibs (I’m not sure what their official name is, but they’re the bibs you put on your own shoulder while burping a baby) that Annie made for us:

They're all awesome, but the Star Wars one's a little bit extra-awesome.

They’re all awesome, but the Star Wars ones are a little bit extra-awesome.

We can’t thank Annie enough for making all this stuff – it was a great surprise to come home to and it made our night.  Thanks Annie!



Whew!  They’re finally done.  It took a ton of work – way more than I thought when I started, but they turned out great.  Since it’s been weeks since I posted the “before” picture, here is a reminder:

If only I'd known the hours of work in store.

If only I’d known the hours of work in store.

And here is the final product:


The kitties are unimpressed.

The kitties are unimpressed.

The best part is that they are all held together with nuts and bolts, so we can always change/add to them at a later time.  They also turned out to be really heavy, so I’m not too worried about Evie tipping them over, especially once they have the added weight of all her books.  Now we just have to wait a few days for the acrylic finisher to fully cure, then we can finally put Evie’s books somewhere other than the floor.