Monthly Archives: October 2014

Birthday Pictures (and more)


It’s been a while since I last did an extensive post, so this will be my attempt to catch up.  The big event, of course, was Evie’s 1st Birthday!  The party was a lot of fun.  Evie’s favorite present was, hands down, an elephant walker/pushcart.  She also jammed on her tambourine.  Overall, she did really well, as this picture can attest:


Needing a cart = success.

More important than all the stuff was all the fun Evie had (thanks to Kai Chen for these excellent photographs):

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Evie got to enjoy her first cake, which was hilarious to watch.  The best part is that my good friend Misti made the cake and mailed it all the way from Virginia!  Evie was so excited she decided some of it needed to be in her hair:

I only got the one feeble video as my phone, of course, decided to crap out right as we were serving the cake, but we got a lot of good photos (again, thanks to Kai Chen):

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The best part of the day was that Evie got to see so many friends and family.  Her grandma and grandpa Messmer flew in from Colorado just for the day.  Knowing they weren’t here for long, Evie gave them quite the performance at dinner:

Of course all of this was able to happen because Evie has been spending the past month making sure she is up to one-year-old standards.  That includes important skills like opening doors:

Looking through comic boxes to fill in any back-issues she might be missing:

And, of course, reading great works of American Literature:

Somehow, with all this going on, she still finds the time to just be plain adorable:

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